Sunday 17 January 2016

Maglubah Recipe: Rice Meat

Hello and morning or night all,

Well today i would like to share my new recipe, of course this is not the food blog, i just want to share this new recipe, it is so easy even i manage to cook it..(sory for my bad grammar)..

Well for this recipe you can use any kind of meat, since my family love lamb so much so im using lamb, if not you free to use any beef or chicken, well not serious.. (trust me on this one)..

Rice meat recipe is where you cook the meat first and then using the stock or broth you  will cook the rice..that it is.. that easy..

*The purple words is malay translation for malay friend (^-^)

The Ingredients:


Lamb or Beef or Chicken              300 g ( if more than your rice will taste better, nothing bad will happen)
Garlic                                             10 cloves
Onion                                             1 (Chopped)
Cinnamon Stick(kulit kayu manis)    1 (you can use powder as well)
Bay leaf (Dry)(Serai kayu)               3
Cardamom(buah pelaga)                 10
Black pepper                                  1 tea spoon
water                                              1 litre

1:Saute the onion and garlic, with medium heat until the garlic turn a bit brown, then  add all the spies including salt and lamb as well as one litre of water.(More water means more broth, it is okay)

2: well im using pressure cooker so it is faster and surely the meat will be tender, but you can use regular pot, does't matter actually.

Tadaa.. this is how the broth will looks like.

The Rice:
Rice                                                2 cup (Tea cup, that how i do it)
Garlic                                             3 cloves
Onion                                             1/4(Chopped)
Cinnamon Stick(Kulit kayu manis)  1 (you can use powder as well, smaller size or amount than the broth)
Bay leaf (Dry)(Serai Kayu)             1
Cardamom(Buah Pelaga)                3
Black pepper                                  1/3 tea spoon
Broth                                               as need

1: First you need to saute all the ingredient using the oil from the broth.
2: After the ingredient turn a bit brown then you will put the meat.
Like this.
3: On top of the meat you will then put rice..
4: Then the cooled broth on top of the rice, the broth level is as below pic.
5: Then wait till cook
6: Tadaa..ready to be can eat it just like that or you could prepare some cold salad, well the rice it good by itself actually

The Salad:
You can put any kind of vege that you want its up to for me im using the onion, tomato,cucumber and carrot... well,the most important is the salad dressing recipe

Olive oil or Vege Oil or any healty Oil (Not Palm Oil)     5 Tablespoon
Lemon juice, Lime juice                                                  4 Tablespoon
Honey (no sugar allowed)                                               5 Tablespoon
Apple Cider or Dates Cider                                             3 Tablespoon
                                                       Vege (any types)

Combine all the ingredients, then after that add the vege..serve it cold, it will taste better.

As for the Bayleaf, my malay friend will be a bit unfamiliar with it, since we rarely use it in cooking as usually we use it as salad (ulam), you guys may not notice but this is actually called Serai Kayu, and ask your mother, she might know,  if you already have at your backyard, you can use it after dried in for few days, it taste better.

For my malay friend i will show you how it looks like, the Bay tree, since im planning to grow one..also there are three types of bay leaf ill show if i found all the three types,and each of them have their own unique flavor..thats all for today..
and dont forget to share with me if you try the recipe..ok..

(^ ^,) Dont forget
         Be Present, Appreciate the moment and
         Be Grateful.

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